Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ideal Life

Me and my wife had a casual discussion last night. We talked about our children and daily life stuffs. We also talked about food and places to go and etc. She brought up an idea of being in my ideal kind of life and world. She told me, if I were to be in my ideal kind of life, I would be :-

  1. Had a Japanese wife
  2. Like to have an English breakfast everyday
  3. Like to have a Mediterranean or Middle East dishes for lunch and dinner
  4. Live in Alaska

NICE I told her! It got me thinking... what shall I call that kind of life then?? Perhaps, I just call it "My Perfect Shangri-la"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Day Darwisy Born

It is OK to be panic when your wife is having a contractions. For a first time father to be, it is so dramatic and in most cases, panic is one of normal or standard procedure of a parent-to-be. However, for my case, am totally the opposite. Darwisy is my second child. Early morning at about 1am on 16 November, 2008, my wife told me that she is having a painful contractions but however it happens in a long periodically. Seriously, I dont know how is the pain, but all I know, no point rushing to hospital as it still long way to go. Then I just go to sleep next to Elisa.

At about 3.30am, she wake me up and told me that the time is come. Again, I just take it slowly and automatically I went to the kitchen to prepare for the things to be brought to hospital. No one at home except me, my wife and Elisa (still sleeping). To sent Elisa to babysitter's house is a bit taxing as their house is the opposite way from hospital. So I had no choice but to call Elisa's babysitter to come to our house to babysit Elisa while I bring my wife for labor in hospital. As usual, to call up people in the middle of a night may end up misinterpretation of the message that you want to tell them due to sleepiness. Its happen to me though. I called up Elisa's babysitter's husband that she addressed as "Abah".

Me : Am going to hospital to sent my wife for labor.
Abah : OK. If that is the case, sent Elisa to our house. We will wait for you guys.

I was like "huh"??? Their house is almost 20km away from our house and it is the opposite way to hospital. Silly me without thinking, I just said "OK". Then it got me thinking, how am I suppose to do that while my wife is almost at the verge of labor? How can she sustain the contraction pain of a journey more than 40km? But I still calm and I didnt panic at all. I had no choice but to tell my wife that by hook or by crook, I will carry Elisa along to hospital eventhough she still asleep.

My wife asked me how am I suppose to juggle between her and Elisa? I said I have no choice as to sent her over to babysitter's house will be taxing and long way to go. I told her to be calm and dont have to be worried about Elisa. At that juncture, the most important thing is my wife. So I packed everything that we need for the labor including Elisa's clothing and her milk. Suddenly my phone ringing. Its the babysitter :-

Babysitter : We will come over to your place. You dont have to bring Elisa here.

What a relieve. Babysitter arrived at about 5am then we departed to hospital thereafter. We arrived at the hospital at about 5.30am and we straight away go to labor room. Just after 6am that morning, Ahmad Darwisy is born. I cant never imagine if I were to sent Elisa to her babysitter first. Most likely, Darwisy will be born on board of my car. Only then I will be panicking!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Loratadine 10mg

Aku ada masalah alergik. Macam biasa, alergik aku ni menyebabkan aku rasa gatal yang amat sangat. Tak kira la kat mana-mana permukaan kulit yang mana. Kat kulit kepala, kat muka, kat jari, kat tangan, kat bijik mata atau kat badan. Tahap kegatalannya memang boleh membuatkan aku jadi stress yang amat sangat.

Masalah alergik aku ni timbul tahun 2000 lagi. Tapi aku tak perasan pun yang benda ni alergik pasal kekerapan kejadian alergik masa tu amatlah jarang sekali. Tapi sememnjak tahun 2002, kekerapan kejadian alergik ni semakin menjadi-jadi dan pada satu tahap boleh jadi tiap hari. Seperti biasa aku pegi klinik doktor akan tanya macam-macam soalan. Tanya aku makan apa, buat apa, pegi mana dan macam-macam lagi. Tapi tak ada pun penyebab yang "conclusive" alergik aku ni. Selalunya diorang kasi aku injection je. Tapi lepas tu.. memang aku akan jadi mengantuk yang teramat sangat dalam masa 10 minit sahaja.

Cuma pada tahun 2003 aku dah paham macam mana kriteria alergik aku ni. Kalau aku masuk tempat ada air-cond dan tiba-tiba keluar kat panas terik atau vice versa, alergik aku datang. Kalau aku bawak beg plastik yang berat, ruam kat tapak tangan aku naik dan menjadi penyebab alergik. kalau aku tergesel badan atau tangan mahupun kaki kat mana-mana benda keras ruam alergik pun buleh naik. Bukan sebab makan atau pun cuaca sangat. Cuma perubahan mendadak atau pun ruam sedikit kat kulit, cukup menjadi penyebab alergik aku naik gatal.

Tahun 2004 aku jumpa doktor bagi tau masalah aku ni. Aku ceritakan semua simptom dan karekter alergik aku ni. Doktor tanya aku, macam mana aku tangani masalah ni. Aku cakap terus terang aku makan ubat Loratadine 10mg kalau alergik aku datang. Lepas semua sesi soal-jawab, aku tanya kat doktor tu apa sebenarnya jenis alergik aku ni. Dia cakap Tropical Alergik (kalau aku tak silap). Aku tanya dia macam mana nak elakkan atau nak sembuh. Dia cakap tak boleh sembuh. Kenak tahan sakit je dan betul la aku makan ubat tu.

Tapi dia nasihatkan, jangan amalkan sangat ubat tu sebab benda tu racun. Makan bila perlu je disebabkan ubat tu ada side effect. Side effect dia ialah menjadi pelupa. Aku baru sedar sekarang yang apa yang doktor tu cakap memang betul. Walaupun aku sekarang takde sangat makan ubat tu, tapi dalam seminggu, aku akan makan atleast sebiji sebab alergik aku datang tahap yang tak boleh di tahan-tahan. Sekarang aku menjadi semakin pelupa.

Aku teringat tahun 2006 dulu, aku nak beli ubat Loratadine 10mg ni kat farmasi. Member aku bawak aku pegi kedai tu. Kami masuk sama-sama. Tengah-tengah kedai tu ada rak. Aku jalan lorong kanan, member aku lorong kiri. Bila jalan sampai hujung aku bertembung balik dengan member aku tu tadi. Tapi yang peliknya, aku boleh lupa dan tak kenal member aku tadi. Nama pun tak ingat langsung. Member aku hairan terus tanya aku apasal. Lepas 30 second, baru aku teringat balik yang dia tu member aku.

So, memang betul la cakap doktor tu. Makan ubat alergik nik tak elok sangat diamalkan. Tapi kalau dah tak tahan, terpaksa la makan. Aku kalau boleh aku tak nak langsung makan ubat ni. Tapi apa boleh buat, doktor cakap alergik jenis aku ni tak akan baik punya. Terpaksa laa aku layan Loratadine 10mg seumur hidup aku bila perlu.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Maths In Sarawak Language

Since government announcing that they will abolished PPSMI, I think this is the best time to teach our young student especially in Sarawak these 2 subjects in our own mother-tongue. As what most people who support for abolishing PPSMI would say, this is to safeguard the identity of our own language. As such, in my opinion, let us Sarawakian do it our way. Teach in Sarawakian language.


Tok ada sigek masalah kira-kira. Si Piyan nak minjam duit dari Si Pijot duit Tiga Ringgit sebab nya dah sikda bisik duit agik. Tapi Pijot madah, mun nak minjam duit rah nya, nya ngecas Limak Posen, kira kedak cas proses minjam duit ya tek. Kedung Piyan nak minjam duit Tiga Ringgit tek, Pijot merik Piyan Duak Ringgit Limak Posen ajak kurang Limak Posen sebab kenak cas Limak Posen ya tek.

Isok harinya Piyan nak mulang balit duit pinjamnya rah Pijot. Dibayarnya rah Pijot Tiga Ringgit balit. Jadi soalannya, beghapa semenarnya uleh dak Pijot minjamkan duitnya rah Piyan?

I am pretty sure that not many of you can answer the question correctly, let alone to understand the language. But we must face the fact that based on the research conducted by the government and as well as research by people, it is better to teach Maths and Science in our own language before it became forgotten by our next generation.

PS:- For those who wanted to know the answer to the above question = it is RM1.