Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Semalam aku bermimpi tiba-tiba saja sahabat baik aku yang aku panggil Garf telah menjadi Kaya & Raya. Berapa kaya? Itu aku pun tak berapa pasti. Cumanya, semalam semasa aku bermimpi, aku tengah jalan-jalan kat sebuah kawasan apartment (entah aku pun tak tahu dekat mana) dan tiba-tiba Garf lalu dengan memandu kereta Camry berwarna biru muda Metallic. Dia memberhentikan kenderaannya dan memanggil aku duduk bersamanya. Dengan tiba-tiba dia serahkan sekeping cek yang bernilai RM285,000-00 atas nama aku. Mata aku terbeliak dan tanganku terketar-ketar. Aku ada tanya kat dia, kenapa nak berikan aku cek ni. Dia cakap "Rezeki Allah bagi, jadi ni aku sedekahkan". 

Because of this dream, when I woke up this morning, it makes me thinking on how should I spent such RM285K cash if such situation do happen? Few things on my list so far :-

  1. Pay RM100K for buying a new dream house and balance by way of mortgage
  2. Pay all any other or misc loan commitment
  3. Redeem the balance loan facilities of my Dad and my Dad in law's house
  4. Furnish the new dream house with IKEA stuffs
  5. Do proper landscaping for the exterior and compound of the house
  6. Extend the house.
  7. Buy myself a new laptop.
other than those listed, I am still thinking.....

So guys, if it happen to you, what will you do?


cohong gym said...

1. simpan 200k dalam ASB. Kalau setahun, kadar keuntungan 10%, aku boleh dapat 20k. Duit tu bole la aku buat bayar instalment rumah, kereta or moto.

2. 50k aku bayar downpayment moto untuk adik aku.

3. lagi 35k aku nak pakai untuk tukar exhaust moto (pakai brand Arrow), masukkan Power commander, tukar monoshock ohlin, cat rim & body (for both bikes). Pastu beli helmet, racing suit, gloves & boots.

Eddy said...


1. Kasi siap rumah..

2. Settle hutang ptptn

3. settle balance loan kerita

4. Down payment MPV..hmmm Estima cantik tu..

5. Drum set

6. Gibson Les Paul / Fender Telecaster

7. Full set boss guitar effect

8. plasma tv

9. PS3

10. laptop baru...cukup!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

hasnizam said...

huh, 285k nak beli rumah semi D kat sini pon tak lepas....terrace will do. Should I pay by cash? heheheh...i don't think so. 100k for terrace house (part payment) and the rest of money I will buy a fishing boat. sewa bleh dapat dlm RM3k sebulan.