Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nothing Much

Days and nights are moving pretty fast nowadays. I hardly make much progress... seems things are not moving any much quicker, as fast as days and nights. During old days, it seems that things are moving much slower and I normally eager to wait for night to come as the good TV shows only being transmitted at night. You name it :-
  1. The A Team
  2. Mc Gyver
  3. Street Hawk
  4. Night Rider
  5. Airwolf
  6. Mission Impossible
  7. Hulk
  8. BJ and the bear
  9. Dallas
  10. Remington Steele (hope spelling are correct)
  11. and many more...
Everyday we have all sorts of TV series.. and its only shows at night. To wait for nights to come everyday, its like having a pain state of agony. Days are running its daylight pretty much slower than today. Anyway, thinking of slow... nothing can compare with our broadband (self- proclaimed) speed that we are currently subscribing. Am using stremyx at 2MB download rate and 512kb upload rate... but it took me forever to upload these :-

Elisa & Darwisy

My Wife & Darwisy

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